• Normal Hours of Operation:
  • Monday to Saturday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Special Hours of Operation:
  • Monday to Sunday: 6:00 AM - 9:00 AM & 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • Please call at least one day in advance to schedule an appointment during these special hours

IV Infusion Therapy

IV Infusion Therapy

At Osita Health Clinic, we know true wellness starts from within. Taking care of your body, getting enough sleep, eating the right foods improves well-being, appearance, and health. When your busy and chaotic lifestyle interferes with your ability to engage in good self-care, your body is forced to work in sub-par conditions.
Nutritional deficiencies and dehydration can trigger exhaustion, skin issues, poor performance and more serious stress-driven illnesses. IV infusion therapy aids patients by increasing levels of critical nutrients for more optimal health and wellness. Nutrients include vitamins, amino acids, minerals, enter the blood stream directly, by passing the gastrointestinal system, becoming instantly available for cellular use.


Your therapeutic treatment begins with a consultation. Working with you directly, the provider will determine which formula best suits your goals and current condition. Every IV infusion therapy appointment is carefully monitored and delivered by a skilled medical professional.
Treatment starts in a special area of the clinic dedicated to infusion therapy. Treatment starts with placement of an IV line, typically into the back of the hand or the arm. This process usually is not painful (some patients report a quick pinch). Once the line is in place, the infusion starts.
Treatment usually takes as little as 30 minutes or up to one hour.
After completion, most patients return to their daily activities with no after-effects, side-effects or need for additional rest.


IV infusion therapy is a fast and simple method for correcting a broad range of health concerns. In under an hour, it can rebalance and detoxify your body for greater well-being. Achieve your wellness goals by selecting one of these targeted formulas.


Hydrate and Combat Fatigue From Dehydration

IV Formula Contains:
Ascorbic Acid 500 mg/ml, B1 & B3 100mg B2, B5 & B6 @ 2mg/ml, MagnesiumCL 80mg, Zinc 1mg, Manganese 0.02mg, Copper 0.2mg, Selenium 8mcg/ml

What’s In It?

  • —IV FLUIDS: A sterile saline solution that delivers nutrients directly into your bloodstream, rehydrate your body and ensures 100% absorption.
  • —ELECTROLYTES Minerals found in your body that are essential to the proper function of muscles, the pH balance of your blood and more.
  • —VITAMIN C: Plays an essential role throughout your body, helping to maintain systems such as muscles, bones, immunes support, and your circulatory system.
  • — B COMPLEX VITAMINS: A comprehensive blend of B vitamins that perform a range of vital functions including cardiovascular support, helping your body convert food into energy, immune function and more.


Burn Fat, Feel Energized and Boost Your Metabolism

IV Formula Contains:
B1 & B3 100mg B2, B5 & B6 2mg/ml, Glutamine 30mg, Arginine 100mg, Ornithine 50mg, Lysine 50mg, Hydroxo B12 1mg, Carnitine 100mg/ml

What’s In It?

  • —IV FLUIDS: A sterile saline solution that delivers nutrients directly into your bloodstream, rehydrates your body and ensures 100% absorption.
  • —VITAMIN B12: A B-Complex vitamin associated with preventing memory loss and improving concentration, as well as boosting energy levels.
  • —B-COMPLEX VITAMINS: A comprehensive blend of B vitamins that perform a range of vital functions including cardiovascular support, helping your body convert food into energy, immune function and more.
  • —AMINO ACIDS: Optimal blend of aminos to improve blood flow throughout your body, helping to maintain heart and blood vessel health, immune support and your circulatory system.


Boost Your Immune System, Feel Better Faster

IV Formula Contains:
Ascorbic Acid 500 mg/ml, B1 & B3 @ 100mg B2, B5 & B6 @ 2mg/ml, Zinc Chloride 0.5 mg/ml

What’s In It?

  • —IV FLUIDS: A sterile saline solution that delivers nutrients directly into your bloodstream, rehydrate your body and ensure 100% absorption.
  • —B COMPLEX VITAMINS: A comprehensive blend of B vitamins that performs a range of vital functions including cardiovascular support, helping your body convert food into energy, immune function and more.
  • —VITAMIN C: Plays an essential role throughout your body, helping to maintain system such as muscles, bones, immune support and your circulatory system.
  • —ZINC: A mineral found in cells throughout the body. It helps them immune system fight off invading bacteria, viruses and more.


Decrease Recovery Time & Enhance Your Performance

IV Formula Contains:
Ascorbic Acid 500 mg/ml, B1 & B3 @ 100mg, B2, B5 & B6 @ 2mg/ml, Glutamine 30mg, Arginine 100mg/ml, Ornithine 50mg, Lysine 50 mg/ml, Citrulline 50mg/ml, Carnitine 100mg/ml, Magnesium CL 80mg/ml, Zinc Chloride 1mg/ml, Manganese 0.02mg/ml, Copper 0.2mg/ml, Selenium 8mcg/ml

What’s In It?

  • —IV FLUIDS: A sterile saline solution that delivers nutrients directly into your bloodstream, rehydrates your body and ensures 100% absorption.
  • —VITAMIN C: Plays an essential role throughout your body, helping to maintain systems such as muscles, bones, immune support and your circularity system.
  • —B COMPLEX VITAMINS: A comprehensive blend of B vitamins that perform a range of vital functions including cardiovascular support, helping your body convert food into energy, immune function and more.
  • —AMINO ACIDS: Optimal blend of aminos to improve blood flow throughout your body, helping to maintain heart and blood vessel health, immune support and your circulatory system.
  • —ZINC: A mineral found in cells throughout the body. It helps the immune system fight off invading bacteria, viruses and more


Fight Acne, Wrinkles and Tired Skin From the Inside Out

IV Formula Contains:
Ascorbic Acid 500mg/ml, B1 & B3 @ 100mg B2, B5 & B6 @ 2mg/ml, Biotin 0.5mg/ml

What’s In It?

  • —IV FLUIDS: A sterile saline solution that delivers nutrients directly into your bloodstream, rehydrates your body and ensures 100% absorption.
  • —B COMPLEX VITAMINS: A comprehensive blend of B vitamins that perform a range of vital functions including cardiovascular support, helping your body convert food into energy, immune function and more.
  • —BIOTIN: A vitamin that plays many essential roles throughout your body, helping to maintain systems such as muscles, bones, immune support and your circulatory system.
  • —VITAMIN C: Plays an essential role throughout your body, helping to maintain system such as muscles, bones, immune support and your circulatory system.


Minimize Bloating, Irritability, Abdominal Discomfort and Lower Back Pain

IV Formula Contains:
Calcium Chloride 100mg/ml, Magnesium Chloride 200mg/ml, B1 & B3 @ 100mg B2, B5 & B6 @ 2mg/ml, Hydroxocobalamin B12 1mg/ml

What’s In It?

  • —IV FLUIDS: A sterile saline solution that delivers nutrients directly into your bloodstream, rehydrates your body and ensures 100% absorption.
  • —VITAMIN B12: A B-Complex vitamin associated with preventing memory loss and improving concentration, as well as boosting energy levels.
  • —B COMPLEX VITAMINS: A comprehensive blend of B vitamins that perform a range of vitals functions including cardiovascular support, helping your body convert food into energy, immune function and more.
  • —MAGNESIUM: Optimal blend of aminos to improve blood flow throughout your body, helping to maintain heart and blood vessel health, immune support and your circularity system.
  • —CALCIUM: An electrolyte or mineral essential for the bones, teeth, muscle concentration, blood clotting.


Gold Standard For Comprehensive Wellness

IV Formula Contains:
Magnesium CL@ 9.65mg/ml, B1 @ 1.62 mg/ml, B2 @ 3.23 mg/ml, B3 @ 1.62 mg/ml, B5 @ 4.07mg/ml, B6 @ 1.63mg/ml, B12 Hyrdoxo @ 0.1mg/ml, Calcium Gluc @ 4.03mg/ml, Ascorbic Acid 64.4mg/ml

What’s In It?

  • —IV FLUIDS: A sterile saline solution that delivers nutrients directly into your bloodstream, rehydrates your body and ensures 100% absorption.
  • —VITAMIN B12: A B-Complex vitamin associated with preventing memory loss and improving concentration as well as boosting energy levels.
  • —B COMPLEX VITAMINS: A comprehensive blend of B vitamins that perform a range of vital functions including cardiovascular support, helping your body convert food into energy, immune function and more.
  • —MAGNESIUM: Optimal blend of aminos to improve blood flow throughout your body, helping to maintain heart and blood vessel health, immune support and your circulatory system.
  • —CALCIUM: An electrolyte or mineral essential for the bones, teeth, muscles contraction, blood clotting.
  • —VITAMIN C: Plays an essential role throughout your body, helping to maintain system such as muscles, bones, immune support and your circulatory system.
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